GMK Midnight Rainbow
Group Buy Ran: June 2020
"This idea originally began to form in the back of my head in 2017; some of you may remember the old run of GMK Rainbow on zFrontier. This was a set that divided opinion, and is rarely talked about today in the western community, but still managed to make MOQ when the community was significantly smaller. I wanted to pay homage to the set, but also bring a modern, more usable set for the majority of boards. The main idea was to tone it down, and bring some clarity and order to the colours.
However; as happens with many projects, this fell by the wayside, and it was only when I saw the amazing festivities of the Manchester Pride event a few weeks ago that I was reminded and re-inspired to bring this set to life.
Designed to be the showpiece of your board and highlight the details of your case. A flashy set that remains demure, and controlled. An experiment and flirtation in artistic expression that results in a Bold, but secure design. Something that pays homage to the original Rainbow set, and also supports the Pride movement;" - Jae, Designer.